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Custom Caption

What makes this plugin so unique is the ability to add a caption to any element. This is done through the custom caption identifier and wrapping the element in a figure.

By default, there is no custom caption identifier defined. This means that the plugin will not add a caption to any element. The user can define a custom caption identifier in the mkdocs.yml configuration file. The configuration accepts a list of identifiers so even multiple identifiers can be defined.

The following example shows how to define two custom caption List and Example as identifiers:

  - caption:
    additional_identifier: ["List", "Example"]


The identifier is case-sensitive.

Adding a caption

A custom caption, unlike the image and table caption, can be added to any element. This is done be adding a defined identifier right before of the target element.


This example assumes that both List and Example are defined as custom caption identifiers.

List: This is a list

* item 1
* item 2
* item 3

Example: This is an example

print("Hello World")
<figure id="_list-1">
<li>item 1</li>
<li>item 2</li>
<li>item 3</li>
<figcaption>List 1: This is a list</figcaption>
<figure id="_example-1">
<div class="highlight">
... code block rendering ...
<figcaption>Example 1: This is an example</figcaption></figure>


The caption can stretch over multiple lines. However it must end with a blank line before the target. Otherwise the target will be interpreted as part of the caption.


By default, every created figure is assigned a default id (_list-x). This id can be used to reference the figure. It is however recommended to assign a custom id to the figure when referencing (see the customization section below). This will ensure that the correct figure is referenced even if the order of the tables changes.


This syntax is custom to the Caption plugin and is not supported by MkDocs natively. However, even if the plugin is not enabled (e.g. in the Github/text editor preview) the target element will still be rendered correctly, and the caption will be displayed as normal text above the element. This helps the readability outside MkDocs.


The numbering is unique to every identifier. This means that the numbering for List and Example are independent of each other.

Customizing the Caption element

The plugin allows customizing the figure element. One way is through the mkdocs.yml configuration file (e.g. position of the caption relative to the target element). The other way is to add attributes to the caption.


The configuration in the mkdocs.yml file is applied to all custom identifiers. It is not possible to customize the figure element for a specific identifier only. However most of the attributes allow the usage of a placeholder ({identifier} and {Indentifier}) which will be replaced with the identifier during the build step.

Attributes are added by adding a curly bracket after the caption and specifying the attributes inside the curly brackets. This is not unique to the Caption plugin, but is a general feature of the extended Markdown syntax used by MkDocs.


The class attribute can be assign with .class_name


The id attribute can be assign with #id_name and overrides the default id.

List: This is a list {.my_class #my_id any_attribute="value"}

* item 1
* item 2
* item 3
<figure id="my_id" class="my_class" any_attribute="value">
<li>item 1</li>
<li>item 2</li>
<li>item 3</li>
<figcaption>List 1: This is a list</figcaption>